Monday, 9 May 2016

Hardly a tack

Frustration with the weather and illness that has kept us on land since Easter was finally resolved with a couple of balmy sails at the weekend. Only about 25 miles in total, but the winds were too light to get further.

The Solent was variably busy, but never frantic. Just enough other folk around to feel companionable and keep the radio awake with chatter (There seemed to be a strong correlation between calling MayDay and being French on Saturday). Sunday afternoon, just as we were returning to our tidal mooring and the wind was about to get more interesting, things quietened down and from Wight to mainland, wide pools of sea were sailless.

It was a weekend of warm sunshine, and occasional cooler Easterly breeze and extreme spring tides. Seabirds, evicted by rising water from their roosts on the marshes, were taking advantage of any dry spot to rest away from danger. The orange mooring buoys have suffered their attention. Fortunately the boats are less attractive to these gulls and the pipits that roosted on our yacht last year don't seem to have moved in yet.

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