Feeling that I should perhaps be whispering, lest the weather gods hear me and over-react, I might mention that we have had a summer already. No prevarication, no guessing - I name this weather summery and you cannot tell me I er'.
Some sailing has happened, though only by the slightest of dinghies. Very little gardening has happened (since I got depressed about the number of ticks in the garden at Easter). Some sad, but enevitable events have rocked our family about; leaving us still floating, but spinning gently.
Exams have struck the house. New toys (replacing old in most cases, such as the depature of our good and trusty friend DP). And, amongst the joys and woes, the rhythm of life continues with work and washing-up.
I had a good pile of stuff to wash yesterday morning, and the pleasure of watching the, still fresh looking, summer garden while it moved from right to left via the soapy sink. Under the yellow apple tree, some movement.
A rabbit I thought, a small cat? No, a hedgehog out and about collecting grass for nesting in the late dawn light. It combed the understraw, dragging balls of it out of sight (I guessed to shelter under the shed). In the deep shade of the low apple boughs a young robin bobbed; swooping down on the disturbed insects as the hog did her? work. The oranging breast hardly discernable in the low light, but given away by the dance, the flit, the swoop and hop of a robin - and nothing else quite.
The good weather and long sunny days have meant fewer sightings of reptiles, since their basking is done before I rise. I neither saw nor heard May bugs, though there were quite a few stag beetles about. We've been seeing a good variety of birds, including raptors. Plenty of bees and just recently I've seen more marbled whites than usual.
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