I can understand why it is that, instead of changing the way we report Covid deaths to make the statistics more accurate, someone has chosen to simply deprecate the graphs we had all come to know and love. Even Wikipedia seems to have withdrawn these depressing daily barcharts.
Statistics are of limited value when the underlying method is hidden. In mainstream media, in which I include much official output, the 'necessary' simplification of complex subjects usually results in the obfuscation of the method. It is only now, when the obfuscations have come to skew the results that something closer to the truth has emerged.
I was gob-smacked, back in May, to hear that, in the UK published figures for Covid deaths, the reporting rules differed according to which country was reporting. Scottish deaths for example only included those who had tested positive for Covid and whose families had agreed for their deaths to be included in the statistics.
Now, on the long spiky tail of the stegosaurus, we learn that English statistics for Covid deaths include everyone who has ever tested positive, irrespective of their eventual cause of death.
If the meteorite theory for the extinction of the dinosaurs appears unlikely to you, let me offer a more plausible explanation. I believe the end of the dinosaurs was probably brought about by a simple update of the truth.