Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Mild Cobweb Removal

With winds forecast a little slacker than of late, we thought to test the new winches and blow out the slightly stuffy feeling of Christmas yesterday. Seven or eight weeks since we last hauled sail and we felt rusty, resorting to check-lists and talking ourselves through the regular procedures of preparation. All smooth except setting out for a minute without cockpit instruments.

We motored up to the wave barrier and wound a few turns of genoa sheet on a shiny new port winch before the Southerly leg of the river set the genoa to flapping, when we furled again, not thinking to raise the main until we turned East. Head to wind briefly and then blown off again with a full main, a little constricted by the tight jacks. Waves from the South-West looked about force 4, foamy crests that rose and fell, but these steadily gave way to a swell and crests tumbling; a little fresher than was expected.

Reminded that we were testing winches I hauled out the genoa on the port side again, but on the beam reach we had set to take us slightly up-tide this just put the port gunwale in the water. We looked at the conditions, we considered the possibility that the forecast was even less accurate than it seemed and decided that once across the Solent and back on the main would be enough. Our roughly repaired ensign was not taking the breeze well and had to be stowed. On the port tack home the tide was evident, drawing us West as we tried to line up the river-mouth in the lightening conditions. We swapped from main to genoa for a stately trip up the river, making 5 knots on part of the small sail.

Furled and back on engine for the harbour we danced with the ferry which was avoiding a yacht coming down with the flow. We moored facing the opposite way to normal at the second attempt. Mooring facing up river leaves the stern open to the prevailing winds and these have been rather wet recently. We hope for drier bilges.

Quite a blow; quite a test after not sailing for a couple of months. Here we are between Christmas and the New Year wearing the gear we usually wear in the summer, perfectly warm and comfortable. I didn't even put my boots on, wearing light deck shoes without socks.