Spotted about 15:30
The title is a little disingenuous. Sleep is not a big issue, but I feel the Internet is always pulling me away from sleep, or at least from any kind of mental repose. If the content seems dull or silly or shallow, I blame the lack of sleep.
Too much butterbeer;
Runs down my leg; these damned robes.
Accio penis!
The fourth house thing didn't work out. So I'm renting a while, within walking distance of the first childhood home I remember; a walk too from the coast.
My view has changed.
Swarms of pale, scantily clad yoof heading for the beach in Bournemouth yesterday. A thinner, pinker trickle coming back the other way.
The sound of a distant moped resolved into a hornet flying through my bedroom window at 6am. Beautiful insect, which fortunately left voluntarily.
I've just taken a second crop off the alpine strawberries. The garden is wild and my trousers are damp and covered in grass seed. Small bumble bees writhe in the glorious yellow stamens of St. John's Wort as though in ecstasy; the world is abuzz.